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Careers at RTC

Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan

In line with the vision of the college to become an institution of academic excellence and inspire students to become independent life-long learners who are well-rounded, responsible citizens, Royal Thimphu College launched the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) on 29th July 2021. With the establishment of the CITL, the institute aims to inspire innovative teaching and learning culture on campus by engaging experienced faculty and expert professionals from around the world. 

The major objectives of the CITL, aligning with the Royal Kasho on Education Reform, include: 

  1. Develop instructional strategies that promote student-centered learning.

  2. Assist faculty in designing innovative teaching-learning models for classes. 

  3. Encourage collaboration among faculty, student, and academic staff to support their professional development as educators. 

  4. Provide a platform for reflective dialogue among faculty about their own teaching-learning insights, experience, and resources. 

  5. Assist faculty in integrating innovative use of technology into teaching-learning practices.

  6. Stimulate research into innovative teaching-learning practices.

We remain highly optimistic that the center will help faculty and students actively pursue methods of developing, delivering, and improving classroom learning experiences.
