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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan

For our faculty members to grow at RTC, the CITL also focuses on peer observation of teaching. Peer observation at RTC involves observing, providing constructive feedback, and helping with best practices on teaching and learning in peer teams as a means to enhance the quality of teaching and personal growth.

A maximum of 10-15 participants will be taken for the programme in a year.  Every year, one training will be conducted on peer observation by the CITL office at the beginning; after the training, participants can choose to complete the one cycle of peer observations in teams of 3 members. At least 2 observations of your class and 4 class observations (2 observations for each 2 members of your team) of your team members’ classes will be mandatory to complete one cycle of the peer observations. After completing one cycle of observation, an e-certificate will be issued for 15 points. If you take part in the peer observation you will fulfill your CITL training requirements. Attending just the training will be worth 3 points.

The following are the Peer Observation Partnership programmes and anticipated time spent for peer observation-related work in one cycle (1 year):


#AgendaDescriptionFrequency Expected time spent (20hrs max)
1 Peer Observation training A Peer Observation training will be given at the beginning of the semester as a part of the training.  Once 3hrs
2 Peer observation partnership formation and scheduling 1-2 hours of working on peer observation goals, team formation and discussion on the schedules. Fill in Pre-self reflection form 1. Twice 4hrs
3 Pre-observation meetings Sharing and working on class observation aims and objectives. Twice 2hrs
4 Observations 1-2 hours of working on peer observation goals, team formation and discussion on the schedules. Fill in Pre-self reflection form 1. Twice 2hrs
5 Observing teams class 2 classes (one for each member) - for 3 team groups. 4 times 4hrs
6 Post-observation meetings

Feedback and discussion after the observation.

Fill in the post observation feedback form 9.

Twice 3hrs
7 Final CITL group debrief

Final debrief meeting at the end of the programme to discuss teaching learning, give feedback, share lessons learned and more.

Fill in the form 2 on Post observation self-reflection.

Once 2hrs


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