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Bhutan's First and Only A+ Accredited Institution      Inspiring Education in Bhutan





Dr. Kezang Sherab is an Associate Professor/Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages at Paro College of Education. He has a PhD from UNE, Australia and a MEd from StFXU, Canada. He teaches Physical Education, Research methodology and provides Professional Development to school teachers, university academics, and youth groups. He has published articles, reviewed manuscripts, examined theses, and led consultancies. He is the Editor-in- Chief of RABSEL the Centre for Educational Research and Development Journal and founder of Journal of Educational Action Research. He has won many projects and convened seminars.

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Dr. Deki C Gyamtso is an Associate Professor at the Paro College of Education. She holds a PhD from the University of New England, Australia, a PGCE from Institute of Education, UCL London and a MA from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. She supervises the Educational Research Projects of M.Ed students, and teaches M.Ed Social Studies, Curriculum Studies, and provides Professional Development to university academics, and school teachers. She has published articles, reviewed manuscripts, and examined theses and is an affiliate member of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia.

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